Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Prepare Brazos County For The Future!
Help Chuck Konderla make an impact
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Here are a few ways you can help:
I have a passion for Brazos County and I want to share it with others.
I need your help in getting my message out.
If you would like to host a meet & greet, please reach out to the campaign. I would love to share my vision for our community with your neighbors, organization, or club. No group is too large or too small.
As you can imagine, a campaign to serve has many moving parts and requires tremendous energy. A good campaign requires the help of others.
Whether you would like to display a sign, host a gathering, donate time, or assist with any number of tasks that successful campaigns require; we can use your help.
Simply use the contact form below.
Help Chuck Build A Stronger Community
1716 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 300
Bryan, TX. 77802